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3M PPE & Safety Equipment Top Picks

3M PPE & Safety Equipment

3M Today 3M are a huge global company who manufacture a diverse range of products but they started out in 1902 as Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing, with the intention of mining corundum for abrasives. Unfortunately they didn't find any corundum but instead began to develop alternative solutions and by 1914 had released the first product that would gain them recognition: the Three-M-ite abrasive cloth utility roll, which was an the first abrasive of its type on the market. The innovations didn't stop there and by the 1920s they were instrumental in the development of masking tape, followed by reflective materials for use on roadside signs. By the 1960s they had manufacturing experience with a wide range of materials and contributed synthetic rubber for use in the astronauts boots during the moon landing. Post-it notes were introduced by 1980 and in 2014 3M registered their 100,000th patent.

About The Products

3M manufacture products for a diverse range of markets but they are well known for abrasives, adhesives, tapes and PPE including respirators, ear defenders and eye protection.

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