Kunys Work Trousers Braces

Rating  Overall Rating 4 stars

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Item Id :21006483

Rating  Overall Rating 4 stars  (34) read review(s)

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Kunys Work Trousers Braces

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Read 34 Customer Review(s) for Kunys Work Trousers Braces

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Jacqui 02/02/2009 10:37:32

good value and great fun, lots of interest received and appreciation!

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Raymond 31/01/2009 10:02:16

i bought the braces because unlike other braces they really do keep my trousers up,a big thank you to tooled-up for being really professional many thanks.

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Sandra 16/12/2008 09:10:04

I bought these for my husband and they are the only braces that have stayed clipped on for his work . Thanks also for the speedy dispatch !

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

J 15/12/2008 19:43:22

Best pair of braces I have ever bought ,they are so good I do not think I can wear them out

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Ron 12/11/2008 19:17:38

As you will know by now the pheasant shooting season is upon us. My recent purchase of waterproof overtrousers needed something substantial to hold them in place the Kunys Sp15N Braces are ideal for this purpose. Would and have recommended to my fellow beaters. Thanks Ron Mitchell

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 2.4 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 2 stars
Overall Rating 3 stars
Overall Rating 3 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 2 stars

Allan 16/02/2012 18:51:00

Have not worn to well have streretched out of shape and started to fray at the clips

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