Laminate & Wood Trimmers

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Laminate & Wood Trimmers

Laminate & Wood Trimmers Information

Laminate & wood trimmers are different from plunge routers in that they do not have a spring loaded plunge action, and are instead classed as fixed base routers. Originally intended for flush trimming of edges, some advantages they confer are that they are generally smaller and lighter compared to plunge routers (enabling some of them to be battery powered) and they tend to have a lower centre of gravity, meaning it can be easier to keep them balanced when routing edges. Additionally, fixed base routers usually have quite precise depth controls which makes them advantageous when working to fine tolerances. They are often a preferred choice for more intricate routing applications.

Laminate & wood trimmers are typically supplied with 1/4" collets.

Here's our Quick Application Guide:

• Corded Laminate & Wood Trimmers - more or less the default option until fairly recently, these machines can be used for extended periods and can be used at higher speeds than cordless options. Higher speeds generally result in a finer finish and better quality of cut (as long as the cutter is used within its specified safe speed limit).
• Cordless laminate & Wood Trimmers - the cordless fixed base router enables the operator to work free of the constraints of power cords, which can occasionally get in the way during more complex applications. This also means these tools can be easily used outside, where dust and debris presents less of a clean up problem. As mentioned above, the downside is that the models currently available on the market cannot match the higher speeds of corded machines. Additionally, it is worth bearing in mind that routing is usually quite a power hungry operation so runtime may be an issue on larger projects.

Laminate & Wood Trimmer Safety:

Routers are loud, powerful machines designed to spin sharpened cutting tools at high speed, and the dust created by routing applications can often be hazardous so suitable eye, ear and respiratory protection should be worn. If you've never used a router before it is also important to familiarise yourself with the correct processes before switching on the tool. An untrained operator runs the risk of losing control of the machine, so make sure you are confident in your ability to use it correctly.

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