Window Vacs & Accessories

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Karcher WV 2 Window Vac



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Window Vacuum Surface Wiper Cleaning

Window Vacs Information

Window Vacs are compact vacuum cleaners that are great for cleaning windows, but also many other similar surfaces including shower screens and mirrors. Most of these machines are wet & dry vacuum cleaners and are primarily designed to be used in conjunction with a sprayed on cleaning solution - the Window Vac allows you to remove all the residual moisture from the surface so you're left with a streak-free, spotless finish. Aside from cleaning applications, window vacs are also ideal for quickly removing condensation - for example they can be used to thoroughly dry off shower screens after use, helping to prevent damp from building up in the bathroom and around the home.

Window Vacs are typically small, handheld devices which are battery powered so they're easy to use in interior and exterior environments. As well as the machines themselves, we also stock a variety of Window Vac Accessories, including extension handles, spray bottles and spare parts.

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