Black and Decker Drill Drivers

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Black & Decker Drill DriversBlack & Decker Drill Drivers are designed for driving screws and for drilling into materials like wood, plastic and metal. Note that they do not have any kind of hammer action so are not designed for use on bricks, concrete and masonry. This tends to make them smaller, lighter and cheaper than other types of drill.

All Black & Decker Drill Drivers run on rechargeable batteries but there are a few different types and not all are interchangeable. If you're looking for a battery platform that can be used to power other tools for the home and garden then you're best off considering an 18v model. All tools in the Black & Decker 18 Lithium range share battery and charger compatibility, so you can share one or two batteries between several machines and save a bit of money by buying Body Only versions where available.

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