Black and Decker STB3620L 36v Cordless Brushless Grass Trimmer 330mm

Black and Decker Authorised Stockist

Rating  Overall Rating 3.5 stars

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Item Id :21003766

Rating  Overall Rating 3.5 stars  (15) read review(s)

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Black and Decker STB3620L 36v Cordless Brushless Grass Trimmer 330mm

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Read 15 Customer Review(s) for Black and Decker STB3620L 36v Cordless Brushless Grass Trimmer 330mm

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 1 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 1 stars
Overall Rating 1 stars
Overall Rating 1 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 1 stars

Richard 17/07/2018 16:14:50

I ordered this in February used it a couple of times and then the motor burned out. I was given the number of support company and arranged for this to get picked up and repaired this was 2 months ago still haven't had it returned. A lot of money wasted on this, do not buy it's unreliable and customer service from black and decker is non existant.

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 3 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 3 stars
Overall Rating 4 stars
Overall Rating 1 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 4 stars

L 06/05/2017 13:12:17

Purchased April 2016. Stopped working 2 months later. Took to agent for repair. They sent it back to B and D .Took 2 months to put new motor in. In the meantime purchased a Ryobi cordless - superb machine. Started to use B and D machine this March and hey presto motor burned out again. Absolutely useless. In the rubbish bin now!

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 3 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 3 stars
Overall Rating 4 stars
Overall Rating 4 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 1 stars

Trevor 24/05/2016 13:42:45

My old b&d mains strimmer still worked but the cable was worn and dangerous. It was years old and i thought another b&d model would be as good. This one was better, no cable, lots of power. Pity mine was faulty. Only ran for 12 minutes, recharge took 15 mins to fully charged but only ran for less than 20 minutes. Had to return and buy a cheap s/h one for now whilst i ponder on what to get next.

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This product carries a full 2 year manufacturers warranty covering both faulty materials and faulty workmanship, it does not cover general wear and tear or damage, batteries, blades, bulbs and other consumables. In the unlikely event of a fault the item returned is subject to fair wear & tear and must not have been used beyond the scope of it's design.

Some manufacturers will offer a direct repair or replacement service (as applicable) which will often resolve your problem more quickly.

We will exchange or refund within the first 30 days if a manufacturers fault is found with this product. Thereafter a repair or exchange as appropriate will be offered.

After the first year any warranty claims should be resolved with the manufacturer directly. To claim the full warranty a registration form may need to be completed - please check the paperwork enclosed with this product when purchased.

Get help regarding Black and Decker STB3620L 36v Cordless Brushless Grass Trimmer 330mm

For any technical enquiries relating to this product it is best to call the manufacturer, Black and Decker, direct on 0330 808 0719.

For any other queries relating to ordering this item, stock availability, existing orders or returning faulty items etc please contact us at Tooled-Up at or call on 020 8805 3535.

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